
Can Social Media Hurt Your Idaho Workers Compensation Claim?

By Fred J. Lewis and McKaid Shepard

The short answer is yes it can. You may think whatever you share, post, tweet or tag will have no impact on your case, but that is not true. It is a common practice in Idaho worker’s compensation for the insurance company’s attorney to request Facebook and other social media profiles. They are looking for anything to use against you in your claim. If there is a post in there of you after your work related accident boating, hunting, working or any physical activity, this could be used against you in your Idaho worker’s compensation claim.  Even if that picture was taken before the accident and you are just posting at a later date, it may still complicate or delay your claim.

Your social media is not as private as your think. The Idaho Industrial Commission, who serve as the judges in Idaho Worker’s compensation cases will order that you turn over the contents of your private social media posts including Facebook. Be careful what your post, tweet and share during the process of your Idaho worker’s compensation claim. It can be used against you and be used to decrease the value of your claim.


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