
You Cannot Dabble in Idaho Workers’ Compensation Law

By Fred J. Lewis

In the 1990s, I represented a number of Idaho Workers’ Compensation insurance companies, defending claims brought by injured Idaho workers. I would see general practice lawyers bring Idaho Workers’ Compensation claims and not truly understand the value of those claims and not know how to bring together the appropriate experts to support their clients’ Idaho Workers’ Compensation claims. It never ended well.

I know that many of these Idaho attorneys mean well and think that Idaho Workers’ Compensation cases are simple and they should be able to collect these benefits for their clients and negotiate a lump sum settlement agreement which would then be approved by the Idaho Industrial Commission. There are too many traps for the beginner and many of the Idaho Workers’ Compensation benefits will go uncollected. In order to be a successful Idaho Workers’ compensation lawyer, I believe you have to devote your entire practice to representing injured Idaho workers. This allows you to keep up on all the current cases, develop relationships with doctors that are willing to testify before the Idaho Industrial Commission, and be able to know how to package the Idaho Workers’ Compensation claims so that your client’s claim can be presented by the adjusters to their supervisors favorably so that you can obtain the maximum benefits for your client.

Call me with your questions about your Idaho Workers’ Compensation claim. I will answer your questions for free. I will tell you if you have a viable Idaho Workers’ Compensation claim.


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