By Rachel Miller Your health and safety and that of your passengers and other individuals in the other car have to be first. Treat injuries and call 911 if necessary. Call the police. Officers will investigate the scene of the accident. Their report can be an important part of an…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
If a friend or family member crashes my car, am I liable for the damages?
By Joseph G. Ballstaedt Let’s suppose you own a truck, and let’s also suppose your neighbor Bill does not. One day, Bill knocks on your door and asks a favor. He just purchased a new couch, and he has no way of transporting it from the furniture store to his…
If a driver in Idaho faints while driving, is he liable for any resulting damage or injuries?
By Joseph G. Ballstaedt What if an Idaho driver suddenly loses consciousness or experiences a completely debilitating medical condition–such as a heart attack, a stroke, or a seizure–and this condition leads to a car accident? Is the driver liable for resulting damages and injuries? Under Idaho law, a person is…
Should I talk to the other driver’s insurance?
By Rachel Miller Generally, no. If you are in a car accident, whether minor or severe, you can expect that the insurance company for the other driver will contact you. They will often be polite and professional and may even say that they just want to help you. They will…
Should I sign an Assumption of Risk/Release of Liability Form?
By Rachel Miller Aaah. Fall. Autumn. Changing colors. Crisp air. Back to school. Fall sports – football, soccer, volleyball, cross-country. Is there anything not to love about the fall season? However, with back to school and fall sports often comes the obligatory Assumption of Risk/Release of Liability form that your…
The Duty to Mitigate
By Patrick George One of the most confusing areas of personal injury law is the duty to mitigate that lies with every injured person. This blog will attempt to explain this responsibility. Many believe that if they didn’t cause the accident and they can prove negligence by another, they will…
Another distraction to driving
By Patrick George It’s hard to imagine more distractions for driving. A few currently include email, texting, phone calls, and checking phones. Now we have a new one known as Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go is a game that people play on their cell phones as they walk, or drive, around…
Your Mode of Transportation Affects Your Health and Your Safety
By Patrick George Recently I wrote concerning bicycling and the safety that needs to be exercised when engaging in that activity. However, as has been shown by various universities, bicycling can improve your health and mental outlook on life. Exposure to the sun actually increases happiness. We seem to recognize…
Who is Responsible if an Item falls from a car in front of me?
By Patrick N. George We’ve all seen this before the situation before where items are tied precariously to the top of a car or hanging over the edge of a truck. If it falls out, who is at fault? Before we go further, we hope that nothing goes wrong in…
Your Mode of Transportation Affects Your Health and Your Safety
By Patrick George Recently, I wrote concerning bicycling and the safety that needs to be exercised when engaging in that activity. However, as has been shown by various universities, bicycling can improve your health and mental outlook on life. Exposure to the sun actually increases happiness. We seem to recognize…