By Patrick N. George Some of the very worst accidents and injuries can occur when collisions occur between passenger cars and commercial semi trucks and trailers. However, there are things you can do to protect yourself. Be cautious when making turns. This is especially true when making a right hand…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
End of Summer Safety
By Patrick George Summer is nearly over, fall is in the air, and kids are headed back to school. Here are some ways to take the worry out of whether your children are safe. First, select the right backpack for your child. Children seem to have more and more school…
By now, most people know that wearing a seatbelt is safer than not wearing a seatbelt. The use of a seatbelt can reduce the risk of serious vehicle accident injuries, including death, by approximately fifty percent. The use of a seatbelt during an accident can prevent a person from hitting…
Personal Injury Damages
In a personal injury case there are two categories of damages: The first is commonly called “economic” damages; while the second is known as “noneconomic” damages. Both of these categories should be considered and discussed with your attorney to fully maximize the value of your case. What are economic damages?…
The Risk of Stroke After An Accident
If you have been in an accident and suffered an injury to your head, then you have to be aware of the dangers this may pose. Sometimes injuries of this type do not become evident for days, weeks, or even months. This makes it even more important to discuss possible…
Nursing Home Falls
Making the decision to place a loved one in a nursing home can be difficult, even emotionally traumatic, for both family members and for the person who is actually entering this new residence. The last thing anyone wants to learn is that their loved one has fallen. What is the…
Non-Authorized Vehicles in Median
The speed limit on several portions of the interstate system in Idaho is as high as 80 mph. Said otherwise, in those 80 mph sections, motor vehicles that travel at that speed are traveling at 117 ft./s. That is fast. Scattered throughout the interstate are little “lanes” across the median,…
Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones From Drunk Drivers
Unfortunately, not all drivers are responsible; some drink and drive or are otherwise impaired. Drunk drivers are not just out there on the weekend. You can find them on the roads at any time, day or night. You must remain vigilant in order to avoid such drivers. How can you…
Tired Truckers
Tired drivers cause accidents. We have all seen it, and we may have done it ourselves. A tired driver may fall asleep at the wheel. Or he may just lose focus for an instant and make a wrong decision. Drowsiness can impair a driver’s reaction time and even his vision.…
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Personal Injury Cases.
A pedestrian or bicyclist who is struck and injured by a car, truck, bus, train or other vehicle has the same right to seek financial compensation as any other injured person. Indeed, it is often more necessary given that accidents sustained by a pedestrian or cyclist are often more serious…