
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Hot Coffee

Most people have heard about the McDonald’s spilled coffee case.  It was the poster child for what is called tort reform – legislation to cap or limit awards for injuries.  What most people don’t know is what occurred in that case. McDonald’s, unlike other fast food companies, served their coffee…


Joint and Several Liability In Idaho Personal Injury Cases

Joint and several liability arises in those occasions where there are multiple participants engaged in negligent conduct. If a third person is harmed because of the participants negligent acts, each participant is liable for the harm to the third party because by participating in the negligent act, they induced, encouraged,…


Dangerous Surroundings That Lead To Idaho Personal Injury Cases

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that car accidents are the leading cause of injury and death in our country. Drunk drivers, distracted drivers, and other negligent drivers can cause an accident when you least expect it leaving you injured or worse. Often there is…


What Factors Does An Insurance Company Use To Determine How Much Money It Will Pay To Settle A Claim?

One of the biggest factors an insurance company uses to determine how much money it will pay to settle a personal injury claim is the amount of the medical bills and what is contained in the medical records.  No insurance company will settle a claim prior to reviewing the medical…

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