
Trademark of the Day 1


There’s a lot to be learned about the legal and the business ends of the trademark and marketing business by studying what gets approved and used as marks. There is also a lot to be learned about life in this world. Since I flip through the Trademark Official Gazette every week anyway — that’s where all the newly-approved trademarks get published — I thought I’d use this space to share a few gems that I come across.

I don’t think they quite get the point of this business: Both of these marks appeared in last week’s Gazette, approved for registration in International Class 25 for wide ranges of women’s clothing:


The Gazette helpfully provides a translation for nudité, in case you needed one.

The rules of Trademark Office are pretty clear that a mark cannot be merely descriptive of the goods and services, so I must assume that the clothing sold under these labels contain a certain amount of fabric.

NUDITÉ, issued to Golden Lady Co. of Mantova, Italy for various clothing items in International Class 25.

Bare 2B Fierce, issued to Nadine Robinson of Orlando, Florida, for various clothing items in I.C. 25.


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