
Two Times Three Equals Six (Part 2)

The functional capacity expert is the next expert. Usually this is a physical therapist that will put you through various tests to determine your work ability and restrictions. As with the case of the physicians, often there will be a functional capacity evaluation on your side and on the insurance company side. Meaning your doctor sent you to one and the insurance company sent you to one. There are honest physical therapists that have years of experience that I know give fair evaluations. The insurance company doesn’t want to take their word though; they would rather have an evaluation that says you are just fine and have the same work capability as you did before the accident. I have had clients go to functional capacity evaluations requested by the insurance company, and they come back hurt because the therapist over exerted them: just to get the results they were paid to get. Nothing makes my blood boil more than a so called medical professional that would jeopardize an individual’s health for money.

Don’t accept the opinion of the physical therapist hired by the insurance company. Fight back! Hire an experienced Idaho worker’s compensation lawyer. We will help get you to a physical therapists that will tell the truth about your restrictions and support your claim for disability. Call us we are her to help!

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