Written employment contracts come in all shapes, sizes and forms. Some even have the unambiguous words “Employment Contract” typed in bold words at the top of the first page. But not all do. Under Idaho law there is no magic form that in and of itself is the only form that an employment contract must be in. For this reason, sometimes an employment contract exists and no one even knows that it does. Let’s start with the easiest of all, the document that has the title “Employment Contract.” In Idaho this document is rare and elusive, but it does actually exist. In my experience it is most often found in the realm of professional work.
E-mails, letters and other miscellaneous written documents can also create an employment contract. This occurs in Idaho more often that you might think and usually occurs as the parties are simply discussing the creation of a new employment relationship. Nevertheless, if mutual promises and assent occur, a written employment contract may exist. Usually this type of an employment contract doesn’t provide much more than the start date, the responsibilities and the salary/wage. There typically isn’t any information on the term of the contract or how it can be terminated. When this is the case, the employer’s ability to discipline or terminate an employee is simply left up to the employer, which is the case when no employment contract exists.