Let’s suppose that Jimmy works at Generic Burger Joint in Idaho and is a picture-perfect employee. He always arrives at work on time, can whip out a Generic Burger every thirty seconds, and is great with customers. More importantly, revenues have doubled since Jimmy started working. But one day, Jimmy arrives at work five minutes late. He explains to his boss that his car broke down and that he had to run ten miles to work. Jimmy’s boss believes him, but nonetheless fires him. Doesn’t this sound unjust? Yes, it probably is.
Let’s take it even a step further. Let’s suppose that Jimmy is not five minutes late for work—or ever late—and does absolutely nothing wrong and everything right, but out of the blue on day, his boss decides to fire him for no reason at all. Is this okay? Is it legal? Well, it is neither fair nor rationale, and it certainly isn’t a good business decision, but it isn’t illegal under Idaho law. This is because Jimmy is an at-will employee.