On Saturday, September 25, 2016 the Nampa Fire Department Chief Karl Malott was critically injured after a crash occurred on I-84 near the Sand Hollow exit. Chief Malott’s Harley-Davidson motorcycle rear-ended a red sedan while traveling on eastbound I-84. Malott was thrown from his Harley as a result of the impact. Malott was not wearing a helmet. Malott was flown to St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center where he was listed in critical condition until yesterday when the local news reported that he had been moved from ICU since his condition has improved. No one in the sedan was injured in the crash.
The ITD (“Idaho Department of Transportation”) Motorcycle Operator’s Manual reports that 1 out of 5 motorcycle crashes results in head or neck injuries. Head injuries account for the majority of the serious and fatal injuries to motorcyclists. Injuries can be avoided and/or reduced by wearing a helmet. Riders wearing helmets are 3 times more likely to survive head injuries than those that who do not wear a helmet.
A major factor in motorcycle crashes is following too closely. Motorcycles need the same amount of distance as cars to stop safely. A minimum 3-second rule following distance is recommended; however, a longer distance is required for higher speeds. A longer distance also allows the rider to have a better view of any hazards on the road ahead.