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Two vehicles traveling opposite directions on US 91 collided head on last Monday, February 3rd. The crash occurred just outside of Shelly Idaho at 7:34 a.m. at mile post 120.5. The three vehicles included a 2018 Ford Explorer, a 2000 Pontiac Grand Am, and a 2013 GMC Sierra.

The driver of the Ford, a 44-year-old woman from Shelly, was traveling north. The driver of the second vehicle, the Grand Am, was a 17-year-old woman from Idaho Falls, who was traveling south. As she drove, the Ford crossed the center line and collided directly with her vehicle. The Grand Am spun off the road and landed off the north shoulder, and the Ford landed in the southbound lanes, where it was struck by the third vehicle. This vehicle, the GMC Sierra, was driven by a 51-year-old man from Idaho Falls. He was traveling southbound when he witnessed the accident, and was unable to stop in time to avoid it.

The driver of the Ford and the driver of the Grand Am sustained substantial injuries and were transported to a local hospital. The driver of the GMC did not sustain any major injuries and remained at the scene. At the time of the accident, all three individuals were wearing safety restraints.

Idaho State Police are continuing to investigate a crash that occurred outside of Cocolalla, Idaho on US 95. This accident took place at 8:45 a.m. at milepost 460.

The vehicle involved was a black 2015 Ford F150 driven by a 45-year-old man from Post Falls, who was traveling north at the time of the accident. As he traveled, he lost control of his vehicle, crossed the center line and southbound lanes, and exited the roadway. Once off the road, he collided with a tree and came to rest off to the side.

His resulting injuries were too great, and he passed at the scene. The man was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident.

Last Friday, on January 31st, two semis and a vehicle got into a collision on the eastbound side of I 84. The crash took place at mile post 38, at about 9:38 a.m.

The first semi, a 2017 Kenworth driven by a 60-year-old man from Simi Valley, California, was traveling east when it veered and struck the side of the second vehicle. This car, a 208 Audi Q5 driven by a 57-year-old woman from Boise with a single passenger, was sent into the median before being struck by the third vehicle, a 2022 Cascadia semi driven by a 53-year-old man from Cadiz, Kentucky.

Both the driver and passenger of the Audi sustained injuries and were transported to a local hospital by ground ambulance. All of these individuals were wearing seatbelts at the time of the accident.

Last Sunday on February 2nd, two vehicles collided at 8:25 a.m. at the intersection of South Lincon Rd and W Ave East.

At the time of the accident, an 18-year-old man and his two passengers were traveling south in a 2018 Kia Singer on South Lincon Rd. As they traveled, the driver failed to stop for the second vehicle, who was driving north on South Lincon Rd., and attempting to make a left-hand turn onto W Ave East. The second driver, a 65-year-old man in a 2018 Dodge Ram 1500, came to rest on the road, blocking traffic. The Kia exited the roadway and landed on the right shoulder.

All four individuals involved in the accident were transported to a local hospital by ground ambulance. The driver and front passenger of the Kia were wearing seatbelts at the time. The passenger in the back seat did not have a seatbelt on. The driver of the Dodge was also wearing a seatbelt.

Idaho State Police are continuing to investigate a crash that took place in Gooding County on January 30th. The crash occurred around 7:02 p.m. at the intersection of State Highway 46 and 2300 South.

The first vehicle, a 2004 Ford F150, was traveling on SH 46 when it came to the intersection. As the 50-year-old male driver from Pasco, Washington came to the stop sign, he failed to yield to the oncoming semi. The Freightliner semi carrying two tanker trailers, was turning into the intersection, and did not stop in time to avoid the oncoming truck. The semi collided with the truck, causing the driver of the Ford to sustain major injuries.

The driver of the truck was transported to a local hospital for treatment. Reports include that he did not have a seatbelt on at the time of the accident. The driver of the semi did not sustain substantial injuries, and did have a seatbelt on at the time.

On January 29th, two vehicles collided at the intersection of US 95 and Highway 20-26. The accident took place at 7:03 p.m. and left the intersection blocked for upwards of 4 hours.

The first vehicle involved, a 2014 Honda Civic driven by a 24-year-old man with his 22-year-old passenger, was traveling north on US 95. As they traveled, they attempted to turn west onto Highway 20-26 when they were struck by the second vehicle, a 2021 Toyota Rav 4 driven by a 25-year-old woman from Kansas.

The resulting crash left the driver of the Honda with fatal wounds, and he passed at the scene. His passenger also sustained major wounds and was taken to hospital by ambulance. The driver of the Toyota drove herself in a private vehicle to a nearby hospital to have her wounds examined and treated.

In Canyon County on January 28th, two vehicles, a 2008 Ford F150 and a 2024 Freightliner Semi, collided. The crash occurred on highway 19 at the intersection of Notus Road.

The Ford, driven by an 86-year-old man from Caldwell, Idaho, was traveling southbound down Notus Rd when he failed to yield to the oncoming semi. The semi, driven by a 45-year-old man from Boise, Idaho, collided with the Ford as he traveled westbound down SH 19.

The driver of the Ford sustained major injuries and passed at the scene. The driver of the semi was taken at a later time to a local hospital, but did not sustain life threatening injuries.

Idaho State Police are continuing to investigate a crash that occurred on January 26th. The accident took place on I 84 at about 5:15 a.m. and involved two vehicles.

The first vehicle, a 2020 Kia Soul driven by an 18-year-old from Rexburg, with another female passenger, was traveling westbound. As she traveled, she veered slightly and struck the median barrier, which bounced her back onto the road and over into the westbound lanes. She was struck by an oncoming vehicle, a 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee, driven by a 52-year-old woman from Middelton, who was traveling westbound. Both vehicles were sent spinning and overturned, coming to rest on their tops on the road.

The driver and passenger of the Kia sustained major injuries, and both were sent to a local hospital by air ambulance. The driver of the Jeep also sustained substantial injuries and was taken in a ground ambulance to a hospital.

Idaho State Police are continuing to investigate a crash that occurred on January 21st. The crash took place in Clearwater County on State Highway 11, and involved two vehicles, a 2005 Buick Century, and a 2016 GMC Sierra.

At approximately 1:30 p.m. the driver of the Buick, a 65-year-old woman from Weippe, was traveling north on SH11. As she traveled, she began to veer and her vehicle crossed the center line, colliding with the Sierra, which was being driven by a 55-year-old man from Pierce.

The driver of the Buick sustained major injuries and passed at the scene. The driver of the Sierra was taken to a local hospital to have her injuries checked and treated.

Idaho State Police are continuing to investigate a single vehicle crash that occurred on January 18th at approximately 4:27 p.m. The crash took place on Spirit Lake Cutoff Road near the intersection of Dream Catcher Ln.

The 43-year-old driver, in a Chevrolet Silverado, was traveling southbound when he veered and left the roadway. The vehicle entered a heavily forested area and hit several trees before being overturned. The driver was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident and succumbed to his serious injuries at the scene.

We are very sorry to hear about this accident and loss and we send our deepest condolences to the friends and family of this man.

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