Two vehicles traveling opposite directions on US 91 collided head on last Monday, February 3rd. The crash occurred just outside of Shelly Idaho at 7:34 a.m. at mile post 120.5. The three vehicles included a 2018 Ford Explorer, a 2000 Pontiac Grand Am, and a 2013 GMC Sierra.
The driver of the Ford, a 44-year-old woman from Shelly, was traveling north. The driver of the second vehicle, the Grand Am, was a 17-year-old woman from Idaho Falls, who was traveling south. As she drove, the Ford crossed the center line and collided directly with her vehicle. The Grand Am spun off the road and landed off the north shoulder, and the Ford landed in the southbound lanes, where it was struck by the third vehicle. This vehicle, the GMC Sierra, was driven by a 51-year-old man from Idaho Falls. He was traveling southbound when he witnessed the accident, and was unable to stop in time to avoid it.
The driver of the Ford and the driver of the Grand Am sustained substantial injuries and were transported to a local hospital. The driver of the GMC did not sustain any major injuries and remained at the scene. At the time of the accident, all three individuals were wearing safety restraints.