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On January 18th, two vehicles, both traveling eastbound on US 26, collided. At the time of the crash, they were near mile post 386, at about 3:10 p.m.

The two vehicles, a 2016 Polaris Ranger utility vehicle, and a 2021 Bluebird Bus, were headed eastbound when the Polaris, driven by a 56-year-old man from Rigby, was struck by the Bluebird. The bus was driven by a 79-year-old man from Afton, Wyoming.

Neither of the men sustained substantial injuries from the crash.

Idaho State Police are continuing to investigate a crash that took place on January 14th just north of Carey Idaho. The accident occurred at roughly 3:30 p.m. at mile marker 213, on US 93.

The first driver, a 55-year-old man from Idaho Falls, Idaho, was traveling southbound in a silver 2014 Chevrolet Silverado when he veered slightly. He crossed the center line and collided with the oncoming northbound traffic, which included a blue 2021 Toyota 4Runner driven by a 62-year-old woman with a 38-year-old female passenger, both from Kuna, Idaho.

Due to the speed and severity of the accident, both drivers succumbed to substantial injuries at the scene of the crash. The female passenger of the Toyota was taken to a local hospital for treatment of her injuries. Reportedly, all three individuals were wearing safety restraints at the time.

On January 9th, three vehicles got into a collision in Bonneville County. The crash took place on US 26 at the intersection of E 49 N street at approximately 2:18 p.m. The three vehicles involved included a black Cadillac XT5, a commercial semi, a green Toyota 4Runner, and a grey Ford Escape.

At the time of the accident, the Cadillac, driven by a 44-year-old woman, was travelling eastbound on E 49th N. As she was driving, her view became obstructed by the semi, who was beginning to turn onto westbound E 49th N. The third vehicle, the green Toyota driven by a 34-year-old man from Rigby, was traveling westbound on E 49th N when it collided with the Cadillac. It then went on to strike the Ford, driven by a 49-year-old woman from Ammon, who was traveling eastbound.

All individuals wore seatbelts at the time of the accident, and only the driver of the Ford was taken to a local hospital. None of the other individuals sustained substantial injuries.

Idaho State Police are continuing to investigate a crash that took place on January 14th just north of Carey Idaho. The accident occurred at roughly 3:30 p.m. at mile marker 213, on US 93.

The first driver, a 55-year-old man from Idaho Falls, Idaho, was traveling southbound in a silver 2014 Chevrolet Silverado when he veered slightly. He crossed the center line and collided with the oncoming northbound traffic, which included a blue 2021 Toyota 4Runner driven by a 62-year-old woman with a 38-year-old female passenger, both from Kuna, Idaho.

Due to the speed and severity of the accident, both drivers succumbed to substantial injuries at the scene of the crash. The female passenger of the Toyota was taken to a local hospital for treatment of her injuries. Reportedly, all three individuals were wearing safety restraints at the time.

Idaho State Police are continuing to investigate a crash that occurred on January 4th, in Bonneville County. The crash took place at the intersection of US highway 26 and Ammon Road, just outside of Iona, at approximately 5:08 p.m. There was a total of four vehicles involved in this accident.

The first vehicle, a blue 2007 Honda Civic driven by a 22-year-old female from Rigby, was traveling westbound on US 26. As she came to the intersection, she attempted to turn south onto Ammon Rd. As she began to turn, she encountered the second vehicle, a silver Dodge Grand Caravan, driven by a 44-year-old man from Walla Walla, Washington, with a juvenile passenger. He was traveling eastbound down US 26 when the woman driving the Civic turned into him, colliding with his vehicle. The Dodge then went on to strike a blue 2024 Tesla Model Y driven by a 44-year-old man with three other adult passengers, and then a white 2013 Toyota Tundra driven by a 32-year-old woman. Both the third and fourth vehicles involved were traveling northbound on Ammon Rd at the time.

All parties involved wore seatbelts at the time of the accident, except the driver of the Dodge Caravan. The driver of the Honda Civic, and all 4 passengers of the Tesla were transported to nearby hospitals. None of the individuals sustained life-threatening injuries.

This Saturday, January 4th, two vehicles crashed on US highway 20 just west of Notus, Idaho, at approximately 7:35 a.m. The two individuals involved included a 22-year-old man and a 33-year-old man, both from Parma, Idaho.

At the time of the accident, the 22-year-old was traveling westbound in a blue 2005 Toyota Tundra, when he moved into the eastbound lane to pass another vehicle. He began to pass a semi but did not return to his lane in time to avoid the oncoming vehicle. He collided directly with the red 2004 Toyota Prius driven by the 33-year-old man.

The driver of the Tundra sustained major injuries and was transported to a local hospital by air ambulance to have his injuries checked and treated. The driver of the Prius succumbed to his injuries at the scene.

On December 31st, 2024, four individuals traveling in a single vehicle on 2900 S got into an accident. The crash occurred near the intersection of 2100 E at approximately 8:14 p.m.

The driver of the vehicle, an 18-year-old man from Kimberly, was travelling eastbound in a white 1985 Dodge pickup when he left the roadway. The vehicle then rolled several times and came to rest off the side. At the time of the accident, the driver was not wearing a seat belt. His passengers, a 21-year-old male from Kimberly, and two 18-year-old females both from Hagerman, were also not wearing seatbelts.

The 21-year-old male passenger sustained the worst injuries. He was transported to a local hospital by air ambulance. One of the 18-year-old female passengers was taken to a hospital by ground ambulance, and the driver and the other passenger sustained no major injuries.

On December 31st, 2024, two vehicles, a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado and a 2015 Ram 1500, collided head on at milepost 39 of SH28.

At 4:31 p.m. the 41-year-old male driver of the Chevrolet and his 37-year-old female passenger were traveling westbound down the highway. As they traveled, the driver veered slightly and crossed the center line, causing him to collide head on with the Ram, driven by a 51-year-old woman.

The driver of the Ram sustained substantial injuries and was transported to a local hospital. The other two individuals had their injuries checked and treated at the scene. All three individuals were wearing safety restraints at the time of the accident.

Idaho State Police are continuing their investigation of a crash that occurred on December 27th, 2024, in Kootenai County. The crash took place on interstate US95 at roughly 7:27 p.m.

At the time of the accident, a 23-year-old man from Trego, MT, was travelling northbound in a 2012 Toyota Tacoma when he struck another vehicle pulling out onto US95. The other vehicle, a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder driven by a 75-year-old man with a 92-year-old female passenger, was leaving intersecting street Parks Rd. As they began to turn south onto the highway their vehicle was struck by the Toyota leaving them all injured.

The driver of the Toyota and the driver of the Nissan were transported to a local hospital to receive treatment. The female passenger of the Nissan passed as a result of her injuries at the scene.

On December 24th, two crashes occurred minutes apart from each other at the same location on US 20 in Bonneville County. Both crashes occurred around 7:40 a.m. at milepost 315, the exit to Ucon, Idaho.

The first of the crashes occurred on the overpass crossing US 20, and involved two vehicles, a white 2006 F150 and a white 2019 Chevrolet Silverado. The F150, driven by a 21-year-old man from Idaho Falls, Idaho, was traveling eastbound when he lost control of his vehicle. He swerved and crossed the center line, before striking the oncoming Chevrolet, driven by a 42-year-old man from Rigby, Idaho. Both men were wearing seatbelts at the time of the accident and had their injuries checked and treated by emergency responders at the scene of the accident.

Minutes later, as traffic was backed up due to the initial accident, four additional vehicles all traveling on US 20, got into a multi-vehicle rear-end accident. The first driver, a 20-year-old man from Rexburg, Idaho, was traveling in a 2022 RAM 3500 when he failed to stop for traffic. He rear-ended the vehicle in front of him, a 2002 Ford Explorer driven by a 42-year-old man from Rexburg, Idaho. The resulting force pushed that vehicle into the two cars in front of it, a 2024 Subaru Outback driven by a 35-year-old woman from Rigby, Idaho, and then a 2020 Kia Telluride, driven by a 49-year-old man from Rigby, Idaho. All individuals involved were wearing seatbelts at the time of the accident. The driver of the Ford Explorer was transported to a local hospital, and all other parties had their injuries checked and treated at the scene by emergency responders.

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