Vocational Expert

By Fred Lewis and George Casper

A Vocational Expert will be hired by the experienced Idaho workers’ compensation lawyer. The Vocational Expert will interview the injured worker and look at all of the documents related to the case as well as the injured worker’s work history and current job search. Once they do this, they will generate a Vocational Assessment report. This document will combine all of the pertinent factors in the case and determine how much labor market access the injured worker has lost and calculate the injured workers’ wage loss. Age, educational history, work history, and any restrictions are a few of the factors that help to create this loss of labor market access figure. The Vocational Expert then offers an opinion on the disability the injured worker has experienced in the form of a percentage which is placed in their report which is then used by an experienced Idaho workers’ compensation lawyer in the Idaho workers’ compensation case.


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Racine Olson

201 East Center Street
Pocatello, Idaho 83201

Phone: (208) 232-6101

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