Public Utility Law

Idaho Public Utility Lawyers

Racine Olson is one of few Idaho law firms with extensive experience representing clients before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Our lawyers advise and represent both public utility providers and public utility consumers, also known as ratepayers.

Public Utility Regulation

A public utility is a business that provides an essential service such as electricity and water that cannot practically be provided by multiple firms in a competitive market. Because of the extensive infrastructure required to provide these types of services, a single firm eventually will develop the infrastructure necessary to price competitors out of the market. Consequently, these types of services are typically provided by a single firm that is granted a monopoly over the market, subject to government oversight and regulation. The government typically regulates the rates that may be charged by the utility while also ensuring universal access to the service and a high level of reliability.

Idaho Public Utilities Commission

The State of Idaho regulates gas, water, and some telephone services through the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The Commission operates under unique laws and regulations that apply only to the Commission. Our decades of experience with rate cases and other public utility proceedings enable us to effectively advise and represent clients who are considering or engaged in public utility affairs.

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