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Water Law

Water Rights Lawyers in Idaho

Idaho Water Law LawyersWater is the life blood of Idaho’s economy, and our veteran water law attorneys are experts in the field. We have decades of experience representing cities, corporations, canal companies, groundwater districts, farmers, lenders, and developers from Treasure Valley to Teton Valley in all types of water right matters—from sales and acquisitions to changes in use, mitigation plans, real estate developments, mining, and hydroelectric projects. From this experience we have developed an understanding of hydrology, computer models, and the history and operation of Idaho’s waterways and aquifers that enables us to provide cost-effective solutions to the most difficult water right challenges.

Meet a few of Our Clients
  • Idaho Ground Water Appropriators
  • Aberdeen-Springfield Canal Company
  • North Snake Ground Water District
  • Magic Valley Ground Water District
  • Aberdeen-American Falls Ground Water District
  • Bingham Ground Water District
  • Bonneville-Jefferson Ground Water District
  • Portneuf-Marsh Valley Canal Company
  • Bear River Water Users Association
  • Last Chance Canal Company
  • Cub River Irrigation Company
  • Preston-Montpelier Irrigation Company
  • Fish Haven Pipeline Company
  • Georgetown Irrigation Company
  • Gentile Valley Irrigation Company
Our Experience

Racine Olson has been engaged in Idaho water law for nearly four decades, representing some of Idaho’s largest water users in administrative, judicial, and legislative proceedings. Our experience includes:

  • Protecting groundwater rights that irrigate nearly 1 million acres of farm land as well as municipal, dairy, commercial and industrial water rights on the Snake River Plain from being shut off from water delivery calls by senior-priority surface water rights.
  • Brokering a monumental settlement agreement between surface and ground water users on the Snake River Plain.
  • Litigating the meaning of the historic Swan Falls Agreement and its implications for water administration in the Snake River Basin.
  • Protecting irrigation water rights in the Bear River basin and Bear Lake, establishing the Bear River Ground Water Management area, and negotiating water rights relating to PacifiCorp dams relative to the Bear River Compact, a congressionally approved interstate water compact between Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah.
  • Advising numerous canal companies, ground water districts, irrigation districts and other irrigation entities.
  • Acquiring water rights for mining, industrial, and commercial businesses, and real estate developments.
  • Developing mitigation plans to enable the acquisition of new water rights and to protect junior water rights from being shut off.
  • Developing a pilot program to allow construction of ponds throughout the world-class Huntsman Springs development in Driggs, Idaho.
  • Developing a complex mitigation plan and securing water rights for a large mining project.
  • Reviewing and analyzing water rights for lenders secured by real estate with water rights and for individual parties to real estate transactions.
  • Representing numerous water users in the Snake River Basin Adjudication.
  • Condemning easements for water delivery systems.
  • Frequent presentations to the Idaho Water Users Association, attorneys, and other professionals on water right issues.
Client Reviews
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