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Boise Back Injury Claims

If you are reading this page, you probably have a back injury and are suffering from pain that lasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days out of the year. It affects your ability to sleep and makes it difficult to work at almost any job. You may be facing or have already had a back surgery. It turns your world upside down. After suffering a back injury at work in the Boise, Nampa or Caldwell Idaho area, you are going to have a lot of questions. We are here to answer those questions for free and provide you with advice that you can rely on as you battle the worker’s compensation insurance company. If we take your case, we don’t get paid unless we win.

There is good news. The Idaho legislature has required that all employers provide their employees with worker’s compensation benefits. Most people with back injuries can enjoy all 4 of these benefits:

  1. Medical benefits
  2. Total temporary disability benefits, or time loss benefits
  3. Impairment rating benefits
  4. Permanent partial disability benefits

If your claim has been accepted, your adjustor will pay all your medical bills, which includes doctor bills, hospital bills, and physical therapy bills. There are no deductibles or co‑payments. The adjustor will also pay total temporary disability benefits to you while you are off work to take the place of your paycheck while you get better. If you are lucky, the adjustor will also arrange for you to have an impairment rating after you come to what is called “Maximum Medical Improvement”. However, sometimes the adjustor “forgets” to arrange for a doctor to examine you and prepare a report giving you an impairment rating. You just miss out on these benefits if you do not contact an experienced Boise Idaho worker’s compensation lawyer. We will make sure that you are paid these benefits and can even arrange to advance the payment for a doctor to examine you and give his or her opinion as to what percent of the whole person your back injury deserves. A 2018 back injury calculates to a value of $2,070 for each percent of disability. For example, a 10% whole person impairment rating for your back injury would calculate to a total value of $20,700. So, you will be missing out on a big benefit if you don’t get the impairment rating.

The one Idaho worker’s compensation benefit your adjustor will try to keep a secret is the fourth kind of benefit, or the Permanent Partial Disability benefit. The reason they will try to hide this benefit from you is that it typically turns out to be the largest financial benefit to you. So, of course, the adjustor wants to keep this benefit a secret and hopes you never find out about it. That is where an experienced Boise worker’s compensation attorney on your team really pays off. We will help you find the right experts to offer testimony that you will need to support the highest possible value that you are legally owed for these Permanent Partial Disability benefits. These benefits are in large part driven by your restrictions. You will need experts who are trained to offer opinions on what your restrictions should be, so that you can obtain these benefits. These experts are somewhat expensive. We have the financial resources to be able to pay these experts as your claim is developing and then wait until we win your case to be paid back.

Call us now at 208-395-0011. We will answer your Boise back injury claim questions for free no matter how big or how small your claim may be. We don’t get paid until we win your case.

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