Defective and Dangerous Products

It seems that each day people across the country are hurt, sickened, or killed by products that are not manufactured in a safe manner. Racine Olson product liability attorneys have handled many claims involving defective products. These dangerous products have at times had defective designs, manufacturing errors, or failures by large companies to warn their customers of harm that can arise from product. A product liability claim or lawsuit is allowed under Idaho law in an attempt to compensate victims for injuries, sickness, or death which has been suffered by an individual due to a defective or harmful product.

Choose a Qualified Firm

Racine Olson attorneys have many attributes designed to help their clients. First, Racine Olson attorneys have done product liability cases along with other litigation. They have the expertise with litigation to know how to attach a problem and be successful for you. Second, Racine Olson attorneys here in Idaho have the experience to make a products liability case successful. They have done this before and know what it takes to build a case the right way. Finally, Racine Olson has the financial resources fund these highly technical matters. We have the financial backing to pay for experts until you get your settlement or verdict. This is very important since expert witnesses are expensive and the very best experts are needed to make a case successful. Experts that may need to be included come from medical fields, engineering specialties, failure analysts, and even human factors specialists. These assets are necessary to developing a strong case against some huge corporation that has many lawyers designed to discredit you at every turn.

Complex Laws Surround This Confusing Area of Law

Of course, one cannot forget about the complex nature of products liability law. One cannot hire simply any Idaho attorney to handle a difficult products liability case. The law is just too complex. Racine Olson products liability attorneys know the law in this area. For instance, Racine Olson attorneys recognize that Idaho recognizes the Restatement (second) of torts. This means that before a company can be found liable for an injury, the user, or injured party, must show that the seller was engaged in the business of selling that particular product, and that it was expected to and did reach the user without substantial changes in the condition of the product. Mortensen v. Chevron Chem. Co., 107 Idaho 836, 693 P.2d 1038 (1984). A failure to warn a user of danger may also be the basis for liability in cases where there are no warnings or the warning is inadequate to warn the user of the product’s dangerous propensities. Rindlisbaker v. Wilson, 95 Idaho 752, 519 P.2d 421 (1974). These theories can be difficult to prove and they almost always require expertise of top experts in their fields.

Dangerous Products can be Anywhere

At times there are dangerous products that contribute to an injury, but are not recognized by other attorneys as something that could increase the value of a case. For instance, if a trailer is being pulled by a pickup truck and it pulls free, enters into opposing traffic, and causes an accident, many lawyers would stop at simply going after the pickup truck driver for negligently hooking up the trailer. However, it may be that the safety cable attachment was simply defective and that the product could have been made safer to eliminate this risk of a trailer coming unhitched.

There are other dangerous products such as food that might be contaminated and causes illness. They might also include something like a handgun or a holster that doesn’t prevent the gun from misfiring. There are times that a vehicle may lack a safety feature that causes harm to an owner or passenger. These possibilities are all around us. Racine Olson has handled these cases throughout Idaho and we are happy to help you be successful. It doesn’t matter if you are in Boise, Pocatello, Idaho Falls or elsewhere. We are there to help you.

If You are Injured by a Dangerous or Defective Product

PRESERVE THE EVIDENCE; PRESERVE THE EVIDENCE; PRESERVE THE EVIDENCE. This is just crucial. Without the evidence, it is difficult to build and develop the case. It is even harder to show the corporation how the design or manufacturing of the product is faulty. If by chance you don’t own the evidence, contact an Idaho attorney immediately so that an evidence preservation letter can be sent out.

Racine Olson

We at Racine Olson are confident in our ability to help you with your problem no matter where you live in Idaho. Whether you live in Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Twin Falls, Boise, or somewhere in between, we can helpl. After all, we’ve been helping our friends and neighbors solve problems for a very long time. Come see us today and let’s solve your problem together. Your Racine Olson team can help. Give us a call.

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