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Estate Planning for Elderly Couples in Pocatello

What is a Will and Why Should Every Senior Have one?

Idaho Elderly Married LawyersA will is a legal document that contains your instructions as to how you want your Pocatello property and assets to be distributed after your death. It names the people you want to benefit, as well as details of your Pocatello possessions at the date of your death.

Every adult living in the Pocatello Area should have a will. Without one, you are considered “intestate,” which means that the government gets to decide who inherits your property. Although you may not be concerned about the details of your will now, you need to know how important a will is and where in Pocatello you can obtain one.

Living Wills and a Power of Attorney

If you become incapacitated due to a permanent disability or a terminal illness, you may lose the right and ability to decide your own medical treatment. In this case, the important determinations will have to be made on your behalf. And if you haven’t formulated any instructions, no one will truly know what you would have wanted to happen.

A power of attorney enables you to name an person to make decisions for you in the event of your illness or incapacity. This person would serve as your proxy in the decision-making pertaining to your medical care or financial affairs. This person should have full knowledge of what you intend or desire to happen in case you become too debilitated to actually speak or decide for yourself.

A living will provides your health care providers with specific instructions from you about what your wishes are if your medical condition is terminal but you cannot communicate. This removes difficult decisions that would otherwise fall on your family.

Every person in Pocatello should prepare a living will and power of attorney before it becomes to late for them and their family.

We use a Team Approach at Racine

When you hire our firm as your Idaho Estate Planning attorneys you will hire the entire Racine Olson Estate Planning team. We are largest law firm in Idaho outside Boise. We have what it takes to represent every client in their Idaho Estate Planning. Our Estate Planning attorneys bring specific skills to assist in a team approach with your Estate Planning needs. Put the Racine Olson firm to work to complete your Idaho estate planning.

Call us toll free at 877.232.6101 or 208.232.6101 for a consultation with Lane Erickson and the Racine Olson team of Estate Planning attorneys in Pocatello Idaho. You can also email Lane Erickson directly at We will answer your Pocatello Idaho Estate Planning questions and will help you determine how to meet your personal estate planning needs.

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