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Estate Planning for Farm / Ranch Owners

Idaho Attorneys Helping With Farm / Ranch Owners

Estate Planning Lawyers in Idaho for Farm/Ranch OwnersYou’ve spent a lifetime working and building your farming or ranching operation. Maybe some or all of your family stayed with you and helped you along the way. Your operation accumulated assets and value and possible even some debt. As you age, what do you do with your farming or ranching operation. How to you pass on your farming or ranching operation to your family or loved ones in a way that you want.

Estate planning for family members involved in a farming or ranching operation could lead to some problems. Questions and concerned we’ve often heard from our farmer and rancher clients include:

  • My non-farming heir doesn’t understand why the family farm is being left to his or her siblings who farm.
  • How do we communicate our estate plan if we are concerned how some of our children will respond?
  • How do I figure a fair share for my children or loved ones when deciding on an inheritance plan?
  • How do taxes play into my planning?
  • Can I continue doing what I love and still pass ownership and responsibility for the farm or ranch to the next generation?

We have the expertise to help you answer these and other questions and to help you create your Estate Plan. Besides helping you with a personal Estate Plan, we can also help you devise a succession plan for your farming or ranching operation.

We use a Team Approach

Our Estate Planning Group of attorneys bring specific skills to assist in a team approach with your Estate Planning needs. Put our Estate Planning Group of attorneys to work to complete your succession planning for your farm or ranch operation.

State-Wide Practice

We create customized Estate Plans across Idaho. We can help you and your family too.

Get the Help You Need

Call us toll free at 877.232.6101 or 208.232.6101 for a consultation with our team of attorneys in Idaho. You can also email us directly at We will answer your Idaho Estate Planning questions.

Estate Planning Questionnaire

Click Here to access our questionnaire that you can print off and fill out before coming in.

Client Reviews
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