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Estate Planning for Living Will / Health Care Directives

Idaho Attorneys Helping You With Your Living Will / Health Care Directive

Estate Planning Lawyers in Idaho for Living Will/Health Care DirectivesA Living Will, also called a health care directive or advanced directive, isn’t really a Will at all. It has nothing to do with your property or heirs. Rather, a living will is a formal document that lets people state their wishes for end-of-life medical care, in case they become unable to communicate their decisions. It has no power after death.

The classic examples where a health care directive would be needed are when a person is in a coma or is unconscious, and the doctors all agree that the only thing keeping the person alive are the machines the person is hooked up to. In this instance, the doctors are required to consult with the family, who then have the burden of deciding whether to turn the machines off.

With a proper Living Will, you take this decision off of the shoulders of your family and loved ones. You get to declare in your Living Will, while you are healthy and fine, what your end of life wishes are. Every person should have a Living Will.

If you have questions about obtaining a Living Will we have the expertise to help you.

We use a Team Approach

Our Estate Planning Group of attorneys bring specific skills to assist in a team approach with your Estate Planning needs. Put our Estate Planning Group of attorneys to work to complete your probate planning, including a Living Will.

State-Wide Practice

We create customized Estate Plans across Idaho. We can help you and your family too.

Get the Help You Need

Call us toll free at 877.232.6101 or 208.232.6101 for a consultation with our team of attorneys in Idaho. You can also email us directly at We will answer your Idaho Estate Planning questions.

Estate Planning Questionnaire

Click Here to access our questionnaire that you can print off and fill out before coming in.

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